After he finished (You did a great job, buddy!),
it was off to spin under the Tree of Lights...
Feel dizzy yet?
What next?? How about the Carousel...
Cotton Candy!!!!!
Yup, Becca ate THE WHOLE THING!!
OK, she had a little help from Mom (very little).
It was really quite cold, so we decided to get hot chocolate for the kids and a hot cider for Mom
Of the three of us, guess who spilled?
While taking the above photo, I placed my drink between my knees...
And guess where my HOT cider landed????
Oh, yeah! Very nice!!!
(no, this is not going to be one of those kind of blogs, but it may help you get to know me better. it was a very "me" kind of thing to do.)
My very warm wet jeans very quickly became very cold wet jeans! But I'm a trooper, so off we went to "Bethlehem" to make mangers. Then it was time to head home.
What a fun night!!! And we didn't even make it over to the carnival rides this year. We'll save that for next year!
Great recap of a fun evening. Sorry you peed in your pants.
SUre it's cider, all that excitement, bound to have wet yourself!
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