Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ashes to Ashes

Today is Ash Wednesday. Many people will be giving up chocolate, sodas, and the like for the next 6 weeks. But at the Ash Wednesday service tonight, our pastor had a different suggestion. She suggested taking on something positive during Lent. Actually, 3 somethings. Something for your body, something for your heart, and something for your spirit.

Something positive for your body. Boy, where to start??? But, you know, it could be something as simple as being grateful that you are healthy. Or making those appointments for physicals, and dental check ups that we've put off. Or it could be the ever-popular eating better or working out. What positive step will you take for your body?

Something positive for your heart. Strive to be more generous and loving with those around you. Here are some thoughts she offered for this category:

Hear and Understand
Even if you disagree, that doesn't make the other person wrong.
Acknowledge the greatness in others.
Remember to look for others' good intentions.
Tell the truth with compassion.
There's some good stuff there. We can all show each other more grace.
Something positive for your soul. We could probably all stand a little work on our souls. Our pastor has suggested journaling during Lent as a soul-check. What about praying more? And remembering to take time to listen for God's response? Ask yourself that age-old question, "Is it well with your soul?"
I plan to do something active everyday (body), to have patience and take more deep breaths before speaking (heart), and read my Daily Grind devotional and the Bible everyday (soul).
How about you?


HiHoOhio said...

Have you seen my UTURN? It is somewhat like yours.

Dancing Queen said...

yay!! i can finally comment!! for some reason it wouldn't let me last week...

i just posted about our positive family lent experience we're doing on my blog...come check it out!

happy monday!

Ellen aka Ellie said...

I'm kind of clicking on blogs and then clicking on links, and I found this on this early morning. I love it, and will be back to study it more.

We don't give up things for lent at my non-denominational church, but I was thinking about it yesterday--and so this is valuable.

Thanks for sharing it,

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Oh my, and you live near Austin? That's one of my favorite cities in the U.S.

I've been thinking about Lent and doing something for my health all day. It's not that I'm going to do something different, I'm just going to try to exercise when I'm feeling too tired. Walk outside whenever it's sunny at lunch time.

In other words, I'm going to stop making excuses.

ellie who wishes she was in Austin!