Wednesday, December 17, 2008


On her blog Hi Ho Ohio has 6 things that make her happy. So I got to thinking, what makes me truly, down to the core of my being, blissfully happy and content?

You know, it truly is the simple things in life...

1. Hanging out with this guy.

Whether we're chillin' at the casa, or out on the town - doesn't matter. He's the one I can be my whole, true, goofy, mental, sometimes catty, philosophical, silly self around.

2. These two...

What can I say, they make life complete. They are so funny, so smart, so sweet.

3. Waking up on a Saturday morning with NO PLANS for the entire day. A day wide open with possibility. Will we use it to get things done around the house? Plan a grand adventure? Or just have Family Jammie Day and do nothing but play board games, read books, watch a DVD, pop popcorn, have waffles for dinner? The possibilities are endless.

4. Time with family and friends. You know the people in your life who just make you happy - who make your day better for having seen them or even just chatting with them on the phone? No agenda. No expectations. No "keeping up with the Joneses". The people who like you just the way you are. And you like them just the way they are.

5. Serving God by serving others. I know, sounds kind of high and mighty. But here's the thing, doing good for others... showing them love... those little random acts of kindness... that's how we can change the world. And as much as you set out to bless others, you'll find yourself feeling blessed right back! It doesn't matter if you're doing mission work in Africa, working in a soup kitchen, sitting and listening to a friend who's hurting, or just smiling at a stranger who looks a little down... selfless acts have this sneaky way of making you feel good.

6. Being alone at home. As much as I love my family, there is something wonderful about being home by myself. The quiet. Aaaaah. Freedom to catch up on all my chores or to kick back and read. The only person I need to fix a snack for is myself. Yeah, I've decided it's OK to be a little, tiny bit selfish every once in a while. Pat occasionally takes off with the kiddos and the dog and lets me have "Mommy Alone Time" as the kids call it.

Home alone + a soda + a snack (some kind of junk food) + mindless magazine (Entertainment Weekly, People...) + comfy couch = Happy Mom!
What makes you happy? Leave a comment and let me know...


HiHoOhio said...

those look like nice folks to hang with!!!

Dancing Queen said...

oh, do i love my alone time...doesn't happen too often, but when it does, i feel so recharged!! and you're right, it is awesome to surround yourself with people you like you just the way you are & vice versa...toxic friends can truly make your life miserable!