Friday, December 12, 2008

Santaland Diaries

Tonight we are going to see Santaland Diaries.

It is a play based on the writings of David Sedaris, who may be one of the funniest people on the planet. (BTW, you can listen to Santaland Diaries at the link on David Sedaris' name.)

It's a surprise for Pat... so if you see him today don't say anything!

It will be fun to have a grown up night out. And the kids are excited to have a sitter. I just got the Christmas books and movies out of storage yesterday (bad mom!), so I'm pretty sure they'll be drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn while watching


and probably reading


and / or

I love starting a day that is bound to end with happiness and (side-splitting) laughter!!


Dancing Queen said...

hi there!
i hopped on over from honorary indian and saw you're "new"...i'm not too old, just started in march, but she was the one that got me hooked too! love that you're not far from us:)

i'll be back...come over & see me sometime too! i love having new friends!

HiHoOhio said...

I want to know how the show was, I love David!!!!! Read most of his books and listened to a couple on tape and just love him!

Dancing Queen is a favorite of mine, go visit her too!

Honorary Indian said...

OK. I almost bought that Olive: The other Reindeer yesterday at Borders. But, the kids really wanted Gingerbread Baby instead.

I think I'm gonna go back and buy Olive just for me. It looks hilarious.

Hooray for a grown-up night out. We've got one this Friday.